Discipline Equals Freedom

Where to start on the topic of productivity? This is a huge topic that can’t be discussed in a short blog post. Over the next several posts, I want to break down this topic into manageable chunks that you can use in your own productivity flow.

Productivity: easy tips to learn, but hard to master. Just like leadership and so many things in life.

A key to productivity, school, work, or just about anything, in my opinion, is first to have discipline. According to Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, discipline equals the path to freedom. This phrase comes from their book Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALS Lead and Win.

Discipline is doing what needs to be done even when it’s difficult and life wants to pull you in the other direction.

~ Eric Fehr

Getting up early to work on a project or workout before you start your day is tough. But when you’re disciplined to follow through on routine, etc., it gives you freedom to do other things you want to do.

Productivity is a mindset – start with the foundation – the why, as Simon Sinek calls it, which I think, in terms of productivity, is discipline. It is about the discipline to stay focused when needed, and to play as well. Discipline isn’t about being a stoic or a killjoy. Having discipline allows you to have fun in life and make time for movies, relaxing, or whatever. Rather, being disciplined on productivity is about clear priorities, balance, and boundaries in life.

You can have all the wonderful productivity apps and gadgets, hip paper methods, or whatever, but if you don’t have the discipline to use them and follow through with them, they are worthless. It’s like having a collection of guitars, but you don’t know how to play them. They’re all for show.

Discipline equals freedom. As a Christian, some may say to me that Jesus equals freedom. 100%. I get that. No question. This type of discipline and freedom I’m talking about is not about one’s faith or freedom from spiritual bondage. However, if you want to have a prayer life, then you need to be disciplined to get up and pray – not sleep in., for example. Jesus isn’t going to get you in shape – you need to have discipline. Finish the big project at work – discipline. But it’s up to you to get up 5am and work out or finish that school paper instead of binge watching Netflix-again. Change your mindset and begin with discipline. Then I guarantee you will experience freedom in your life and be more productive. Next post, I’ll discuss the productivity hack that works well with discipline: routine.

The Forge: Tools in my toolbox*

Book I am reading: Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know. More info at this LINK.

Book I recommend reading: Extreme Ownership. Get it HERE.

Website to check out: Michael Hyatt – Win at Work and Succeed at Life – link HERE.

YouTube Video worth your time: Start with Why, TED Talk by Simon Sinek – Check it out HERE.

(*I’m not paid to promote these books or sites-just my own recommendations).

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